Saturday, 10 January 2009

Plasma vs LCD screens - which one is best?

I thought I had it all figured out!

I'll come back and write a detailed report on LCD vs Plasma
Or Should it be Plasma vs LCD?
Whatever floats your boat!

I am an expert on flatscreens
I know everything there is to know
I've recently purchase a Samsung 6 Series at an astonishing LOW price (see post below to see how you can get the same deal yourself!)

But erm... erm... has someone seen my hat... I think I need to eat it or at least do something embarrassing like that!

It seems as though I only know half the story!

Plasma TV's: DO NOT write them off
They have MANY MANY advantages over LCD
(Also, LCD has some advatages over plasma)
If I could go back.... I would at least look at and consider plasma's

Scenario: faaast moving action with amazing filming and graphics
FACT: on this test, plasma's will p*** on the por perfomance given by LCD's
It's far superior!

As I said: I'll come back and write a detailed report later

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