Tuesday 13 January 2009

HDMI Cable: £70 cable or cheap £2 one?

Buy an LCD or plasma from Dixons and they'll happily charge you £70 for a HDMI cable

This will be cased in a well designed plastic casing that you can put on your mantle place and admire
(Unfortunately, to get to the cable inside, you have to tear the casing open)

Go to Tesco's and I've heard you can pick up a cable for £2


Buy the Dixon's one right - much higher quality?

I have an admission to make: I'm an LCD virgin - until recently, when over Christmas I spent a few weeks trawling the internet searching for what to buy (while others spent their time rejoicing the holiday period and praising Lord Jesus)

USB cables: I've long known that its a COMPLETE con
No need to ever ever ever buy an expensive cable
Please note, there is a difference: a gold USB cable will last you 1000 years, while a silver one will only last 99 years - so why not pay £20 extra for the gold one instead of buying the silver one for £0.99!

HDMI: in complete ignorance I thought it had to be different
New technology... it just HAD to far superior!! (The more expensive cable that is)

Aparently not!

Everyone out there: please text this gospel and preach as given above to 10 people you know
And in turn ask them to text 10 people you know
If you do, God will take notice and will bring you 5 steps closer to heaven for saving people from being conned into buying expensive HDMI cables

Here endeth the lecture

Disclaimer: above, I chose to give Dixon's as an example. This is not exactly fair - there are plenty of other con merchants out there worth a mention as well.

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